Senin, 31 Januari 2011

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An Introduction to Chemoinformatics

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An Introduction to Chemoinformatics

An Introduction to Chemoinformatics by Leach, Andrew R., Gillet, V.J. [Springer,2003] (Hardcover) [Hardcover]

  • Binding: Hardcover

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Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

[V217.Ebook] PDF Ebook Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide for Guys, by Leil Lowndes

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Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide for Guys, by Leil Lowndes

Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide for Guys, by Leil Lowndes

Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide for Guys, by Leil Lowndes

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Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide for Guys, by Leil Lowndes

More than 95% of guys don't pick up on a woman's sex signals. Here's how to make sure you're not one of them.

You're in a crowded bar, and the hottie across the room breaks eye contact to put on lipstick. Do you assume she's:
a. Vain
b. Rude
c. Totally into you?

If you've answered with anything other than c, you're dead wrong.

Women are always giving off signals, and men are always missing them. In Undercover Sex Signals, bestselling author and communications expert Leil Lowndes shows how to score on every pass, with everything from the best activity for a first date to how a guy should dress to increase his odds for sealing the deal. Learn the twenty-six undercover sex signals and the real tactics that will teach you to:

  • Master step-by-step foreplay from across the room
  • Use right opening phrases (not lines!)
  • Never hear the word "no" again
  • Look for sex in the right places
  • Win in the online sex game
  • Develop the never-fail pickup
  • Understand the perfect timing for when to ask, when to kiss, when to call, and other follow-up strategies

With invaluable advice, Undercover Sex Signals ensures that you'll never blow another opportunity again.

  • Sales Rank: #15501 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-08-05
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 329 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Worth Every Penny And More
By GreatSoul
First of all, anyone who tells you the info in this book about the way women signal men isn't valid must have very little or even no experience with them. I've seen these same signals of interest over and over and over again. I've used this info in my life to pick-up girls and have sat in a bar and seen women give them to other men too (more often than not dude has no clue).

For example, I'm sitting next to a hardbody at the bar with her back turned. I'm facing slightly away from her watching the sports screen and notice she starts to toss her hair on and off a few times. She isn't looking at me so I'm patient and keep enjoying my meal. She says to her friend, "That chicken sure looks good"(what I was eating). So I say, "Gotta keep it healthy" to her and things went really great from there.

Just read this book and go out to your favorite bar or club and people watch the chicks in there for a while. You'll see this stuff used by them _constantly_ to signal interest. Now, that doesn't mean you can't just "assume attraction" and cold approach her without a body language signal if you want (I sometimes do). Just know that your chance of success is higher when she signals interest first.

And remember, it's called "game" for a sure to have fun first and foremost.

266 of 363 people found the following review helpful.
By Wayne Racine
... I was really looking forward to reading this book, but page after page, it was nothing more than hot air promising to enlighten the reader on this, that and the other thing but never delivering the goods on how to actually score - all it was were her personal theories bolstered by study after study of "findings" (some of these studies involving experiments with rodents, of all things)... however, most of those findings are hardly conclusive when you take into account the most critical factor of all - what women say and what they actually do are often in conflict (the author admits this herself on page 106).

For instance, take the typical gal who bemoans the lack of decent single guys as she describes her ideal man as practically being the nerd-next-door, and yet she'll only throw herself at every "bad boy" that crosses her path. One can only conclude that women are attracted to nice guys in theory only; they're ultimately ruled by their emotions and have no control over who turns them on, no matter how they may try to intellectualize what kind of guy they claim to be attracted to.

More than anything, women have very strong survival instincts and need to feel financially secure. That mindset usually leads them right to the straight-laced, button-down type with favourable income-earning potential who can fulfill that need (usually the guy she'll marry), while being sexually attracted to an entirely different type of guy altogether (the dude that rocks her world who she'll carry on an affair with).

How do I know this? Because at least 25% of the women I meet are married (or otherwise attached) and, usually after a few drinks and a couple of frisky slow dances, they'll make it very clear to me in no uncertain terms that they're in the market for a torrid affair, no strings attached, would I be interested? The reasons vary, but usually it's because they're not physically and/or sexually attracted to their mates and, in many cases, apparently never have been.

After reading so many books on the subject of picking up women (from both male and female authors), I'm now 100% convinced that your best advice will come from guys who know from experience what it takes to score. A female can't teach you how to pick her up and close the deal because:

1) every woman's level of resistance is different - some are easy to pick up, others are next to impossible;

2) every woman's concept of male beauty and appealing characteristics varies from one to the next;

3) because they're always mindful of their reputation among their social peers, many women believe that the only way they can be picked up for a one-night stand is if they have an overwhelming physical attraction to you in the first place or are otherwise flat-out drunk - most gals are confident that their "defense shield" is impenetrable and don't take into account the smooth-talking joe with all the right moves who can charm them into the sack;

4) you can't teach "chemistry" - either it's there or it isn't, and it can only be gauged in face-to-face situations;

5) what women THINK they want in theory and what they actually find themselves attracted to in real life are, more often than not, nothing alike.

As for the body language stuff? Puh-leeze. Even the average frustrated chump would be able to decipher 90% of these so-called "undercover sex signals" (fluffing her hair? licking her lips? sticking out her chest? hello, McFly! is anyone home?).

Reading this book was like listening to someone build up an elaborate joke but forgetting what the punch line was - it just didn't deliver.

Bottom line: don't bother with books about how to pick up women written by women, because most of the time, they don't even know what they really want in the first place. They might scorn the handsome, muscular ladies' man in theory, but when they're feeling sexy and want to get their freak on, guess who they'll throw themselves at?

25 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
It is 55% body language
By Inkhorn
How can we tell women are interested? Are women constantly giving us signals that we are just not picking up on, or that some men are picking up on, and acting on successfully?

Well, when it comes to body language, most men are oblivious to about 95% of the buying signals that women are giving out, or misinterpreting them.

There are photographs throughout of women demonstrating the various signals, which are supported by science.

Imagine you're walking into a bar, you see a woman, she holds eye contact for several moments then looks away and down. Is she interested? How do you respond? Subtleties in your response make or break the situation.

Experts say only 7% of communication is verbal, 38% is tonality, and 55% is body language. Which is better to know, the 7% or the 55%?

When you are talking to a woman, should you lead by turning your body towards her, or let her lead by moving her body towards you? If you don't know the answer, you need this book.

Leil understands the way men think, and speaks to the male point of view, and eerily at times seems to know what we are thinking.

Perhaps, the single most interesting and persuasive story for me concerns her aesthetically challenged friend Dan the dentist, a ladies man. Dan's insights persuaded me that being able to identify and interpret these signals will vastly improve your success with women. The idea that men go to a bar and obsess about the unattainable woman, while oblivious to signs of interest from other women, rings true, and fine tuning your perceptions will totally change your success.

Some of the signals that women give are unconscious, particularly when it comes to rapport. Your ability to identify these signals as clear indicators of interest are a roadmap to your eventual success.

Why are women attracted to bad boys and jerks? She has good insights into this.

If you are like me you may think you know a lot, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so if you are feeling hungry for more, then you need to add this to your shopping cart.

I trust you find this helpful.

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  • Sales Rank: #16177772 in Books
  • Published on: 1992
  • Binding: Unknown Binding

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Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

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The Primordial Emotions: The Dawning of Consciousness, by Derek Denton

This book presents an accessible and groundbreaking new look at the evolution of consciousness. It traces its origins back to early man's primordial emotions--those elicited from basic needs such as hunger and thirst.

  • Sales Rank: #504993 in Books
  • Published on: 2006-08-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.20" h x 1.00" w x 9.30" l, 1.33 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 296 pages

`Derek Denton proposes a totally new basis for higher cognitive function in man and animals, and combines this originality with fascinating stories of animal behaviour encountered during his work. The breadth of his scholarship and research is one of the great strengths of this book.' Denis Noble, Professor of Physiology, University of Oxford

`Where one of the leading biologists of our day (see his 'The Hunger for Salt', Springer Verlag, Berlin/London, 1982) deals with what, so far, has been the purview of philosophers and offers rather compelling proposals as to the origin of consciousness and even better, self-consciousness. A superb reading experience.' Roger Guillemin, Nobel Laureate

`A book of exceptional wealth, both deeply meaningful and constantly renewed, a book to read and reflect upon.' Jean-Pierre Changeux, Pasteur Institute, Paris

`The Primordial Emotions takes the reader on a wide-ranging tour of the animal kingdom to argue that consciousness for the primordial sensations - pain, hunger for air, thirst, and so on - evolved before consciousness for the long-distance sensing modalities - vision, audition, olfaction. This journey culminates in the author's own experiments to identify the regions of the brain underlying these subjective states by neuroimaging thirsty volunteers. Written in a very accessible and lucid style, the book offers a refreshingly distinct voice in the ongoing scientific exploration of the ancient mind-body problem.' Christof Koch, Caltech, USA

About the Author

Derek Denton is the world authority on instinctive behaviour regulating apt intake of water and minerals - particularly salt. He was Founding Director of the Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine at Melbourne University. His discoveries have been recognized by election to the National Academies of Science of France, Sweden, the United States and Australia and also the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Royal Society (London). He was First Vice President of the International Union of Physiological Sciences and was a member of the Lasker Jury for 12 years. His previous books include 'The Hunger for Salt', described by Emeritus Professor John Pappenheimer of Harvard as 'the best example of integrative physiology to come out of the second half of the 20th century' and 'The PInnacle of Life', written for a general audience, and published by Flammarion (Paris), Harper Collins (USA), and Allen & Unwin (Australia).

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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

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Historicism (The New Critical Idiom), by Paul Hamilton

Historicism is the essential introduction to the field, providing its readers with the necessary knowledge, background and vocabulary to apply it in their own studies. Paul Hamilton's compact and comprehensive guide:

* explains the theory and basics of historicism
* presents a history of the term and its uses
* introduces the reader to the key thinkers in the field, from ancient Greece to modern times
* considers historicism in contemporary debates and its relevance to other modes of criticism, such as feminism and post-colonialism
* contains an extensive bibliography of further reading.

  • Sales Rank: #1267317 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-07-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.80" h x .51" w x 5.08" l, .56 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages

About the Author
Paul Hamilton is Professor of English at Queen Mary, University of London.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
By R. Slammon
Hamilton's book advertizes itself as an accomplishment in finally clarifying for us the confusing and controversial notion of "historicism." It provides a good survey of the key figures and philosophical commitments in the history of historicism and attempts to deal with the stakes involved in contemporary investments of the concept. But Hamilton's text turns out to be, at best, a kind of apologia and, at worst, a "how-to." Consequently, his assessment--and understanding, I'm affraid--of historicism is delivered from the position of a believer and advocate. This contributes to the reproduction of a lot of conventional mantras about historicism, such as, for example, that it somehow represented--and still does--an "anti-modernist" position. We are still modernist, in a sense, and this is why, as this book demonstrates, it is difficult to think outside the framework of historicism. A provocative book, but not deserving of its authoritative title.

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Senin, 10 Januari 2011

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Advanced Cleaning Product Formulations, Vol. 1, by Ernest W. Flick

This book presents more than 800 advanced cleaning product formulations for household, industrial, and automotive applications. All formulations are completely different from those in other volumes.

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  • Sales Rank: #3393804 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: William Andrew
  • Published on: 1990-01-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .88" w x 5.98" l, 1.44 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 372 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Ernest W. Flick, previously a chemical industry quality assurance administrator and technical writer

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Cleaning formulas that work!
By Michael A Orgera
IF you can find this book... buy it!

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Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

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  • Brand: Brand: Pearson
  • Published on: 2011-07-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.20" h x 1.60" w x 9.30" l, 5.21 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 1072 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

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Money for Nothing.... and Your Property for Free!: How in My First 12 Months 1 Bought 74 Properties, by Andy Shaw

  • Sales Rank: #1855944 in Books
  • Published on: 2006
  • Format: Import
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great book
By Luke jones
Great book. Good starting insight in to property investing

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Cordelia Tull

0 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Two Stars
By Michael M
The book wasn't that great

See all 3 customer reviews...

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Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

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Richard Stark's Parker: The Hunter: Chapter 2, by Donald Westlake, Darwyn Cooke

Darwyn Cooke, the Eisner-Award-winning writer/artist of such classics as DC: The New Frontier, Selina's Big Score, and The Spirit, now sets his artistic sights on bringing to life one of the true classics of crime fiction: Richard Stark's Parker. Stark was a pseudonym used by the revered and multi-award-winning author, Donald Westlake. The Hunter, the first book in the Parker series, is the story of a man who hits New York head-on like a shotgun blast to the chest. Betrayed by the woman he loved and double-crossed by his partner in crime, Parker makes his way cross-country with only one thought burning in his mind-to coldly exact his revenge and reclaim what was taken from him!

  • Sales Rank: #1918324 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-07-22
  • Released on: 2011-12-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

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Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler

Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler

Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler

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Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler

  • Published on: 2011-03-30
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

32 of 37 people found the following review helpful.
too many typos in 4th edition
By Mark Trevor Smith
After looking at the third edition, I ordered this book for a class that I teach. The fourth edition contains many changes, all of them for the worse. The literary selections in the 4th edition are not as well chosen; the added paragraphs in the chapters on New Criticism and feminism are stylistically awkward and often confusing and repetitive, not to mention factually questionable (the claim that there were no voices in feminism between Pisan and Wollstonecraft!). Most distressing of all, this edition was apparently rushed to press in time for classes in fall 2006, for it contains typos about every five or six pages. The chapter on feminism alone has at least ten errors, e.g., "one in the same," "least" instead of "lest" (that mistake was carried over from the third edition), "lastest"!!!, inconsistency in verb number after "a variety of [plural nouns]," etc. The publisher should send an apology to all purchasers of this book, along with a list of errata. On the bright side: I tell my students that I can't penalize them too much for small errors, when the textbook contains so many!

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
An Extraordinarily Useful Text On Theory
By Martin Asiner
The number of user-friendly guides for introductory level literary theory is no more than three or four. LITERARY THEORY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THEORY AND PRACTICE by Charles E. Bressler is happily one of them. For a text on theory designed for the novice, the author must include a number of basic concepts. First, the text must minimize the inevitable influx of dense jargon while maximizing a clear explication of that jargon. Second, the author must set his survey of theory in a meaningful context that allows the uninitiated to trace the evolution of theory from its starting point--usually with the Greeks--up to the present day. Third, the author must define the nature of theory--no easy task there--so that the reader can connect the various strands of allied disciplines like linguistics, psychology, and economics into a coherent whole. Fourth, the text must include close analyses and summaries of the major schools of theory--again no easy task since there is considerable disagreement even among those who are recognized experts as to which strands of the web of theory deserve inclusion. And finally, that author ought to show the reader how to make the transcendent leap from the abstruseness that is theory to the concretization of the use of that theory by providing real-life examples of writing that illustrate that theory in action. Bressler does all this and does so with a flair that puts most of his academic competitors to shame.

Part of the reason for his success is his simple yet not simplistic methodology that accompanies each school of theory. He begins each school with an introduction that foregrounds his analyses in a real-world application that makes sense even to the rank novice. He follows with an erudite historical development, which includes assumptions that proponents of that school hold. He then considers the methodology by which that proponent translates abstract assumption to concrete reality. What I found especially useful were his concluding questions for analyses and student-derived essays that examined a specific text under a designated literary lens.

There are other introductory guides that do much of the preceding but only Bressler does it all so well. This text has use beyond the introductory undergraduate course in theory. For those in graduate seminars who need a refresher in the basics or wish to see theory reflected in the reality of everyday literary texts, LITERARY THEORY is a work that ought to achieve frequent perusal during a lifetime of reading that extends far beyond the requirements of a college course.

21 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent guide for beginners.
By Hesper23
4 years of English studies, and I never once sat down to read literary theory until I had to take a course in it. Bressler's book helped me immensely to sort out the confusing mass that is theory. He lists a dozen or so major movements, such as formalism, reader-response criticism, structuralism, and post-structuralism, and also includes "additional" chapters on individual theorists such as Barthes, Levi-Strauss, etc. The explanations are concise. I also like how this professor turned author looks at theory from the student's perspective: he breaks down complicated ideas into manageable parts, without losing the essential point of the theory.

Another book that I found helpful was *Literary Theory: An Anthology* ed. Julie Rivkin. Unlike Bressler's book, this one is HUGE and very heavy, but nonetheless useful.

Actually, after reading more about literary theory, I'm no longer scared of it. So, if you're like me, a "newbie" to literary theory, you'd do well to start with this book.

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Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler PDF
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Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler iBooks
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[O307.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler Doc

[O307.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler Doc

[O307.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler Doc
[O307.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing): 5th (Fifth) Edition, by Charles E. Bressler Doc

[N949.Ebook] Ebook Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

Ebook Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

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Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

Ebook Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

Like A Cliff In The Sea (Wie Ein Fels Im Meer), By Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper. It is the time to boost and also freshen your ability, knowledge and encounter included some entertainment for you after very long time with monotone points. Operating in the workplace, visiting research, learning from test and also more tasks might be completed and you have to begin brand-new things. If you really feel so tired, why don't you attempt new thing? A quite easy thing? Reviewing Like A Cliff In The Sea (Wie Ein Fels Im Meer), By Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper is just what we provide to you will certainly understand. As well as the book with the title Like A Cliff In The Sea (Wie Ein Fels Im Meer), By Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper is the referral currently.

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Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper

This is the one-volume photo history of the division that was written by Karl Ullrich, a Knight's Cross recipient and commander in the division. Although there are several English-languagephot chronicles of this SS division (most of dubious quality), this is the first one available that was written from the perspective of the division itself using the photos of individual SS veterans. The book covers the formation of the division in 1939 and its subsequent operations during the Second World War. With the exception of the French Campaign in 1940, the division fought entirely on the Eastern Front and earned a reputation as one of the most capable divisions of the entire Eastern Army, especially in defense.

  • Sales Rank: #5415096 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-11-01
  • Original language: German, English
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 308 pages

About the Author
The book is a detailed but overall general photo chronicle of the division from its inception in 1939 until its demise in 1945, and the book's strength is that it was written by a man who was there. The author was part of 3. SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf" from the beginning and commanded a combat engineer company and later the combat egineer battalion. He later became commander of 5. SS Panzer Division "Wiking", earning the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Photo Album of 3. SS 'Totenkopf' Division
By Joseph Burgard
The book is a photo album of the 'Totenkopf' division from its inception in 1939 to the end of the war in 1945. The photos are great and range from all types of settings. Any written portion of the book is written in both German and English. Besides photos, the book includes comments from commanding generals praising the 'Totenkopf' division, discussions of certain attrocities charged against the division, and the mistreatment / criminal handing over of the division by the Americans to the Soviets after they surrendered. On the inside covers is information about German vehicles and tanks, and at the back is a picture diagram of the order of battle for the 'Totenkopf' panzer division in early 1944.
Most of the photos date from the first half of the war in Russia. After the battle of Kursk, there are not as many photos covering the last half. I was pleasantly surprised to find many photos of the Demjansk pocket. The photos are great reference for studying uniforms or equipment for models, reenacting, etc. I suggest picking up the divisional history volume of the same title, by the same publisher in German or translated into English by J.J. Fedorowicz.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
By A Customer

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent photo history of SS Totenkopf by regimental commander Karl ...
By deceased
Excellent photo history of SS Totenkopf by regimental commander Karl Ullrich. This fine book puts a human face on one of WW2's premier fighting divisions. Also includes an in depth view of the organization in terms of tanks, artillery and motorized infantry. Excellent photos of Eicke, Simon, Kleinheisterkamp, Ullrich, Baum, Priess and the troops in action, from the invasion of France, Demyansk, Kharkov and Kursk to the divisions final disintegration in Hungary. If you're a student of the Eastern Front, this book is a must.

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[N949.Ebook] Ebook Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper Doc

[N949.Ebook] Ebook Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper Doc
[N949.Ebook] Ebook Like a Cliff in the Sea (Wie ein Fels im Meer), by Karl Ullrich, Jochen Peiper Doc