Sabtu, 03 September 2011

[L930.Ebook] PDF Ebook Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

PDF Ebook Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

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Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

PDF Ebook Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

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Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills

Logic was doing his best to stay focused on just living. After the death of his brother, he made the decision to leave the streets alone. He couldn’t imagine his mother have to bury another son or visit him in jail, but the idea of letting his brother's killer go free was really weighing heavily on him. Especially considering the fact that his brother’s killer was the one person he used to trust the most.

Joy had been watching Logic for months and knew that she had to have him. This man was everything. There was a certain mystery about him that really had her wanting more. She could tell that there was a reason why he walked around her local café like he owned the world, and thanks to her best friend Karma, Joy would soon find out.

Once Logic and Joy meet, things immediately take off and the two seem destined to be together. But, Logic’s past has resurfaced, causing him to make a decision that might force Joy to walk away. What’s more important, revenge or love? Maybe they can handle both, only time with tell.

  • Sales Rank: #45089 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-12-14
  • Released on: 2015-12-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Solid Read
By Sharee
This was a pretty solid read for me. It was interesting enough to hold my attention and really well written. There was underlying conflict that built in such a subtle way, I was not bombarded with inauthentic or "over the top" drama. Everything was really believable and for me that's always a plus. The characters were so relatable that I became sucked in and just wanted to learn more about them. It really gets boring for someone who reads daily, to read about the same plots and subplots in this genre. K.C. Mills finds a way to reinvent the "typical" urban novel involving drugs, d-boys and sex in a way that's never boring. Over the past few months I have found myself reading more of this author's work and she has become one of my "go to authors". What does that mean? It simply means that I'm now on the look out for her new releases and I purchase or download them immediately without reading the synopsis or reading a sample(I no longer need to). I have yet to be disappointed, so not only would I recommend this novel, I'd recommend all of her other work as well.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
It was good
By W. Michelle Davis
It took me a minute to warm up to Logic and Joy's relationship. I'm not sure why because normally I fall completely in love with KC Mills characters. However once I jumped all the way in I was good. As always the writing was stellar and the fact that Logic genuinely tried to give up the street life to appease his family and friends was commendable. I see that we are in store for a juicy part 2. I love Karma as Joys best friend. Every girl needs a friend like this when you take life too seriously and become afraid to love like Joy. I can't wait to see what's next for this cast of characters. All I can say is Joys mama has an old fashioned butt whooping with her name on it and it will be well deserved. Kudos Ms. Mills please don't make us wait too long for part 2.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By QueenBeee
Joy mama is worthless, Myesha is a dumb pest, and I hope Rah trifling self gets what's coming to him. Everybody got Joy and my boo Logic messed up. I love me some Logic but I must admit that baby got a few communication issues. Lol the important part is that he's loyal, faithful, and loving. Everything else can be worked through. Love it! Anticipating more from this author.

See all 75 customer reviews...

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[L930.Ebook] PDF Ebook Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills Doc

[L930.Ebook] PDF Ebook Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills Doc
[L930.Ebook] PDF Ebook Where My Loyalties Lie, by K.C. Mills Doc

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