Selasa, 10 September 2013

[H516.Ebook] Download Ebook The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic

Download Ebook The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic

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The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic

The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic

The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic

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The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic

Desperate to improve your striking skills but lack the inside knowledge on how to do so? Want to know how to imitate the world's best professional strikers? There are a few straightforward procedures you can undertake to achieve top striking ability. Listen to my book to find out how what they are and how to implement them. With the secrets contained within, you will be equipped to become the amazing goal-scorer you always wanted to be! Success in soccer is not always down to having the best shot or dribbling skills. It also depends on game intelligence - the ability to read football with a tactical and pre-emptory eye. Like a game of chess, soccer requires cunning and know-how. You must defeat your opponent mentally as well as physically and technically. Game intelligence is a hard skill to teach, but my manual has uncovered the secret. With the tips contained within it you will be able to expand your game intelligence and your knowledge of the intricacies of playing soccer exponentially. Don't waste any more time, start developing your game intelligence today! Ever tried to develop a new skill but been frustrated by failure? Ever tried something that the next footballer learns easily but you struggle to master? Learning new skills can often be an arduous task. However, the difficulties of obtaining new skills can be avoided with the information contained inside my manual. Using techniques popular among South American, and especially Brazilian, players, my guide will show you how to add new skills to your repertoire quickly and easily!

  • Sales Rank: #108982 in Audible
  • Published on: 2016-01-15
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 297 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Mirsad Explains How To Play Soccer Strategically
By Dr. Joseph S. Maresca
Mirsad's book is an excellent rendition on how to implement
strategic thinking on the soccer field. The thrust of the presentation
is aimed at how to score more goals, dribble effectively and dominate
in the air. Effectively, Mirsad shares his knowledge about each position.

A strength of the book is that Mirsad teaches readers how to read
the game and anticipate the actions of the opposing team; such as,
a player's leading foot when it is about to shift in direction.

The author's rendition on the traits of a good goalie is very helpful.
For instance, a good goalkeeper knows how to play safe to avoid
injuries. Another good trait is to preserve stamina, although in this
writer's experience it's best for a goalie to run a lot of sprints in
order to develop stamina on the field. A classic move to employ
on the field is to use the whole body to block the ball.

Since the goalie is either the strongest or weakest link, he/she
must stay focused and be aware of how each position is played
classically. A goalie must keep a watchful eye on everyone on the
field in order to detect and correct weak areas of play.

Overall, Mirsad's book is very helpful to players, coaches and
soccer enthusiasts everywhere.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A "Must" read for players and coaches. Can't miss with this one.
By Charlie Devine
This is a great overview of positions and roles of players within a variety of formations. Many youth players know where to stand when a coach tells them what formation to play, but few understand the "tactics" to effectively play that formation. This book is good for many ages and even better for coaches. It is refreshing to have this book available to raise the tactical knowledge of soccer for everyone.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A big help in learning differences in position play
I bought this book along with three others from Mirsad's website. I had trouble opening it on my Ipad. I notified Mirsad by email and a few hours later he emailed all 4 books to me in pdf.( I am sure I would have had no problem if the kindle version had been available.) What great customer service from the author! We have used the tips extensively in helping my 14 year old son, he had always been a defender on select teams but his new select coach and H.S. coach wanted him to play more midfield and striker. This book has helped him a lot in learning the differences of play at each of these positions.

See all 33 customer reviews...

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The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic Kindle

[H516.Ebook] Download Ebook The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic Doc

[H516.Ebook] Download Ebook The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic Doc

[H516.Ebook] Download Ebook The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic Doc
[H516.Ebook] Download Ebook The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions, by Mirsad Hasic Doc

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