Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

[T744.Ebook] Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

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Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

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Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas

An organized, clutter-free home appeals to everyone. But where to begin? This useful guide provides fun, creative and painless ways to get started using the tips, techniques, quick fixes, and trade secrets used by professional organizers.

Decluttering Your Home shows how to save time, money, and energy. It takes the cluttered and distressed through the first steps in decluttering and gives common sorting strategies that work.

The chapters include:

  • Clutter, Clutter Everywhere -- The psychology of clutter; common sources of clutter; clutterer personality types.
  • Household Clutter -- Eliminate clutter and improve organization room by room throughout the entire home.

Each room feature includes numerous topics and tips, such as:

  • How to use the dining room for other purposes without adding clutter; Creating a laundry system; Why making the bed every day is important; Creating "capsules" of clothing.
  • Digital Clutter -- Manage multiple devices, cord and cable clutter, organize electronic files and digital photos.
  • Calendar Clutter -- Time management strategies for the entire family, overcoming procrastination, knowing how and why to say no.
  • Maintenance -- Keep a newly organized life clutter-free.

  • Sales Rank: #342217 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.75" h x .50" w x 7.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 176 pages

A decade's worth of home organization expertise in this handy guide. Following an introduction on the psychology of clutter, the book goes room by room, making it an excellent step-by-step guide for anyone wanting to declutter an entire home. But it is not only for decluttering physical space; Thomas's goal is nothing short of organizing entire lives, which, she writes, will help those who follow her advice be happier, healthier, and more productive. She shares tips for reducing digital clutter and keeping homes clean and organized. Readers will get a lot of use out of her checklists for maintaining attractive, tranquil, clutter-free spaces as well as packing for travel and seasonal home organizing. The focus of the book is on the busy, two-working-parent households, complete with chapters on children's rooms and engaging the whole household in both decluttering and maintenance... This book promises to be useful for readers hoping to purge any level of clutter. Photos of
well-organized home interiors throughout the book offer inspiration and ideas for both neophyte and advanced organizers. (Publisher's Weekly 2015-11-20)

The essential companion for anyone looking to organize their life and rid themselves of clutter. Filled with trade secrets, resources, tips, tools, tactics, techniques and organization revelations, Decluttering Your Home arms readers with the tools to create a living space that looks attractive and feels both inviting and comfortable. This practical book guides the reader start-to-finish through the process of how to get rid of clutter in the places where people tend to hoard it most: the bedroom, kitchen, closets, bathroom and every hoarder's favorite, the basement. Geralin Thomas brings her wealth of professional experience--both as a Certified Professional Organizer specializing in Chronic Disorganization and Hoarding, and from her time working on A and E TV's Emmy nominated show Hoarders--and gives readers the motivation they need to get their lives sorted. (Getting Organized Magazine 2015-11-03)

I almost never do book reviews -- let me be honest, with my crazy, distracted personality. I just really don't enjoy reading books. But, this one -- this one is totally different. If I had to write a book, this would be how I'd want it to be. I have no interest in writing a book, but this would be the way I'd want it. If you need some motivation, some simple guidelines, pictures (I like lots of pictures), and examples of how to get things decluttered and organized - you are going to love this book. (Becky Organizing Made Fun Blog 2015-11-06)

Geralin has been a professional organizer since 2002. It's abundantly apparent in this book that she knows her stuff. The book is full of bite-sized information and suggestions for every area in the house. It's richly illustrated, making it really appealing to read and very accessible. The information in the book is a wonderful combination of practical and aspirational. She covers things that are in every home (like junk drawers) to things that I probably could only aspire to (a converted armoire-style storage cabinet with custom-made drawers to act as a pantry)... In the book, Geralin offers specific suggestions on decluttering, as well as fantastic organizing and storage tips. So if you're not dealing with a whole lot of clutter but just want to fine-tune your organizing, you'll love this. If you are dealing with clutter, it'll be a godsend. I love the chapter on maintenance, which covers creating habits and also offers advice on coping with backsliding. And the final chapter--full
of checklists of chores, tasks, and even wardrobe and meal planners--is really useful. (Janine Adams Peace of Mind Organizing Blog 2015-11-23)

This useful guide provides fun, creative and painless ways to get started using tips, techniques, quick fixes and trade secrets used by professional organizers... The book begins with her discussion of psychology of clutter and the various personality types... The second section is what I call the meat of the book. Here we learn how to get rid of clutter in the common areas where it tends to pile up the most. Think the bedroom, kitchen, closets, bathrooms and the basement... After you've completed your decluttering, now you have to maintain. The author has dedicated an entire section to maintenance. Learn how to stay motivated and easy ways you can involve the whole family into keeping your home clean and organized... If decluttering your home is on your to-do list, consider picking up this book to help keep you focused and get the job done right! (Stacie Simply Stacie Blog 2015-11-28)

About the Author

Geralin Thomas specializes in home and home-office organizing. She's a public speaker and an instructor to professional organizers. For six seasons, she organized America's most cluttered homes on A and E's TV series, Hoarders. Her website metropolitanorganizing.com receives around 10,000 unique visitors per month.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

About this book

In recent times, reality TV shows highlighting hoarding tendencies have raised awareness about keeping too much stuff. As a result, decluttering and organizing are now trendy topics. You're with the in-crowd if you've started buying experiences in lieu of material gifts. The travel and hospitality industries are experiencing a boom in business from those who have grown weary of buying more "stuff" to "stuff" in their already "stuffed" homes, and who have cleaned up their calendars to make room for fun. Homeowners are still spending money, but instead of buying knickknacks and whatnots, they're choosing theater tickets, spa treatments and amusement-park passes.

People are eager to learn how to live with less, practice minimalism and enjoy a less stressful lifestyle. How to declutter and de-stress is the new hot topic that can be brought up in any conversation. It's as if decluttering is a sport, and everyone, regardless of age, income or gender, is welcome to play along and beat clutter.

This book is a culmination of the best ideas I've learned about decluttering and organizing as both an on- and off-camera organizing expert. My goal in writing this book is to teach you how to transform your casa de C.H.A.O.S (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) into casa de calm. I want to replace confusion with confidence. Life is better when we live in a well-ordered home that suits our lifestyle and expresses our personality. We are content when we create a hospitable habitat, one where we treasure our time spent.

With each chapter you'll find advice to help you decide what you can live with as well as what you can live without. Together, we'll create a house that looks attractive and feels inviting and comfortable, keeping only the items and activities that reflect you and what's most meaningful to you. The process of getting organized becomes much more pleasurable when it's viewed as an opportunity to let go of things, respecting who you are now, where you've been and where you want to be.

This book is filled with trade secrets, resources, tips, tools, tactics, techniques and organization revelations.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
but this one is fantastic! The layout is simple and easy to read
By Amazon Customer
I am a professional organizer by trade so it is hard to be impressed by organizing books anymore as I have read them all, but this one is fantastic! The layout is simple and easy to read. The tips and ideas are also simple and to the point. The photos are a perfect match to the concepts being discussed but don't seem impossible to achieve. Overall very well done.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
My all time favorite decluttering book EVER!
By Rebekah Barnfather
My all time favorite decluttering book EVER! This book is loaded with photos and simple steps to decluttering your home. Such motivation and inspiration! I have a full review here of the book:


6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
I enjoy TV shows
By Joan
I enjoy TV shows, blogs, magazines, and books on home decorating and organizing. I’m a tip junkie and always appreciate any type of organizing advice that I can apply to my life. I ordered this book because I’ve seen Geralin Thomas’s methodical systems of decluttering and organizing homes on TV and in magazines. The photos are excellent and the illustrations and lists are helpful. The book is written in a voice that is friendly, not preachy plus, it contains a lot of good advice; the maintenance, motivation, and tiny task sections were my favorite sections.

See all 10 customer reviews...

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[T744.Ebook] Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas Doc

[T744.Ebook] Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas Doc

[T744.Ebook] Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas Doc
[T744.Ebook] Ebook Free Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, by Geralin Thomas Doc

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